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Just Checking In

 Hello All!          First of all I wanted to thank you all for reading and keeping up with Midwest Mama it has been a crazy journey to say the least. Lots of self love and perseverance. If you all didn’t know I am currently in Nurse Practitioner school and trying to find a work life balance is a struggle out here. So, if any of you have any suggestions on how to work, student, and full time mom manage I am here for it.           This month we have started clinical which has added a whole new level of juggling. But I want to come on this platform with some positivity and light to share. This month our beautiful girl was able to enjoy some really special moments with friends and family. She was a flower girl in her first wedding. She is moving and grooving in the walking department and there is no stopping her. If you are in search of a new Walker friendly shoe I have some suggestions to drop soon, because this girl has some wide fee...

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